Thank you for reading With Love, Sage! Share with a friend, gentle soul, or loved one to help me connect with more loyal readers like you!
I pray that this newsletter finds you as you are but opens up space for you to be. Something that is pulsating on my heart as an energetic grounding is that it’s okay to choose to be happy, joyful, and playful. You’re allowed to be happy. Let go to receive.
Life is sneaky. It has a way of ushering you toward an envisioned predetermined path only to gradually lead you toward the uncertainty of the unknown. One minute you’re walking through the forest, collecting accolades, accomplishing goals, creating security, and admiring the view. Then the next, you look down and realize there is no longer a path. Only you, endless trees, and a number of directions you can ultimately travel. But you panic thinking you’re lost, wondering the forest without purpose. Yet a purpose overlooked in life is curiosity. Asking yourself:
“How could life transform if I listened and followed the sound of the birds?”
“What if I just walked and appreciated the sun’s warmth or enjoyed the feel of snow crunching beneath my feet, what would happen?”
“How would I evolve if I left this relationship that’s causing more hurt and confusion than love and clarity?”
"What opportunities will open up to me if I leave this job that is an energetic succubus?”
All curiosity asks is for us to take a chance. A following of faith instead of a walk footed in fear. Then actually following through to transform your reality into one that is fulfilling.
Sometimes we get caught up in staying the course that we hold on to the lessons that life wants us to let go of. We avoid chance encounters because we don’t trust ourselves to explore within the trees. We trust a paved path over nature’s course. Neither is right or wrong but having been off the path several times, I must say burying my toes in dirt, sand, snow, and fallen leaves always lead to more laughter and connections. I’m also a wild adventurous Earth child so that’s just me. I just wonder though, if we celebrated even those choices that led to “not so great” outcomes maybe we would be better equipped to maneuver through obstacles when they arise even when we do stay on the paved path.
Back in the spring I made the decision to leave teaching even though it’s all I’ve ever known. I’ve been teaching since middle school, legit. It was the path created for me and the one that felt right in my heart. In reality though, while it was fulfilling it was an energetic succubus job. I knew once school ended in May, I could not go back into a public school system or classroom again. The unknown was looming.
Since then, I’ve been on a job hunt. Seven months without work and five without a steady check. Leaving the financial security of a government job, even pay below my worth as a teacher, was scary. My job search didn’t yield job offers. I questioned if I should substitute just to get some cash flow, but God said no. I listened. My peace said no, I listened. I continued to explore the unknown, write, remain faithful, and walk with confidence because I am trustful in my talents, gifts, and blessings. I’ve been real life lost in the woods and always made it out safely. I’ve been lost on roads without service and made it to my destination unscathed. I’ve been pulled over and out of my car by a 6’3 cop with a rifle in the middle of nowhere Texas and lived to talk about it. My faith has been tested but rarely faltered. If anything, I lean in harder.
That faith was rewarded today. Today I finally received and accepted a job offer! A remote position that allows me the freedom to travel and not take a pay cut but gain an increase! So these last few days before I dive back into the throws of being employed, I’m big chilling, wide grinning, and speaking my gratitude!
This news was needed. This holiday season has been interesting. It’s beautiful and joyful to be around family but some relationships leave much to be desired and some even removed. I found myself secretly crying with the comfort of my ancestors and the full moon last night. I hid my distress while tearfully releasing it into the hands of protective spirits. It was necessary to move on.
Still, it hurt to receive but be ignored in the same breath. To be acknowledged by name then have your presence dismissed. But by others have your name replaced but your presence desired. To feel a loved one become small in the presence of a spouse. The withholding of nieces’ and nephew’s presence magnifying the realness of performative celebration. . To be in a separate city than my wife— never again. Friendships dwindling to distant acquaintances. My joy worked overtime to not be devoured by sadness. My smile remained to spread holiday cheer.
Despite the hurts, the holiday contradictions, and shit show that was 2023, it really wasn’t all that bad. My divine wife and I had some WONDERFUL moments with each other, family and friends, and traveled to some remarkable places! Earth be doing her thang with the beauty. That’s what I love about my wife, she is always down for adventure and knows how to maintain vision. She’s truly my greatest blessing and most valuable asset.
Every part of my being is fortified with the grace and knowing of God, of Creator. 2024 I’m BIG STEPPIN’ with our ancestors right behind me and my wife beside me. The rest will come.
My worries don’t exist. God got me. My trust is rooted. Even as the world crumbles and war is raged, the word of Creator is louder. The magic of Universe energy is more powerful. The fortitude of ancestors is unshaken. Eye see God in the love and faces of so many. What can be is endless. Keep ya eye open, your heart light, and your mind enlightened. The future is as creative as the vastness of the oceans, the uniqueness of snowflakes, and the infinite skies. Fight hard and hug more. Speak truth and listen more. Take yo power seriously and play freely. Freedom is won in the small moments that compound to grow into lifetimes. That’s why we’re here. Lifetimes created from moments. Liberation is painful and it is play.
While the calendar says it’s a new year it’s still a season of cultivating and releasing. So I ask, what seeds are you planting in your heart? How are you tilling your soul to make it through the darkness of winter? What has your actions been communicating to your community?
If you have the space, share in the comments your responses to the questions or to the newsletter in general. I’ll meet you there! Peace, love, and blessings
As always,
With Love, Sage
So many beautiful quotes from this letter as usual but this one I'm sitting with today: 'Sometimes we get caught up in staying the course that we hold on to the lessons that life wants us to let go of. We avoid chance encounters because we don’t trust ourselves to explore within the trees. We trust a paved path over nature’s course.' thanks for this offering